Saturday, June 8, 2019

Relationship and School Community Essay Example for Free

Relationship and School Community EssayMethod While keeping in mind Mais method for de edgeining subjects, I sympathize the article C be, Concern, and Communication by Susan Pickford. I chose Mais thoughtion because Wilson leaves out one major method of indexing that could be named user-oriented method (Mai, 2000). The basic approximation of user-oriented method is that the indexer needs to have the users information needs and stipulationinology in mind when determining the subject matter of the enumeration as well as when selecting index call for the document. It suggests that the indexer should have knowledge about the users needs to determine the subject matter. Mai argues 5 methods in indexing. original one is a simplistic conception similar to Wilsons (1968) constantly referred to method. This method determines the subject by counting frequencies of occurrences of words in the document so it could be the most objective method. The problem is that there is not necessar ily any correlation between occurrences of words in a document and its discipline. flake method is a document-oriented conception.The basic idea is that the indexer should establish the subject matter solely based on an analysis of the document itself the goal is to represent the document as truthfully as possible and ensure the subject representation is valid for a long time. Third method is a content-oriented conception attempts to find out the content of the document as fully as possible. This conception shows historical and cultural circumstances that determine the subject matter of the documents. Fourth one is a user-oriented conception mentioned in above paragraph. Last one is a requirement-oriented conception.In this method, the indexers have knowledge about the users individual information needs and work tasks. It is lone(prenominal) useful in smaller organizations and indexing done by this method, like a user-oriented conception, changes over time. Subject Description T he article is about Jane Roland Martins telephone circuit for the SchoolHome, an idea of making the school home away from home. In this system, school children would be taught the three Cs c be, concern and communication and thus their teaching would be inclusive, merging intellectual with the heart.The result the epidemic of violence would be reduced and the domestic vacuum in childrens lives filled for good. Derived index Children of the 90s are a content-oriented concept that describes historical and cultural context in which the document is produced. Without development Children of the 90s in the subjects of the document one would lose context for the article, so it is consequential to include the article for understanding. It is possible to find documents like children grooming influenced by social conditions or changes of 90s. interior(prenominal) Vacuum in Childrens Lives is a user-oriented concept that is the primeation of the article and would be accessible from this common phrase or variations thereof (e. g. , domestic vacuum, live* vacuum, and child* live* using wildcards for the greatest number of matches for the concept). Schoolhome is essentially a simplistic and document-oriented concept that serves an identifier for the article in the most general way while it does not describe the content of the article. This term would be especially useful in finding such things as case studies or curriculum examples for Schoolhome.Rethinking Schools for ever-changing Families is an excellent term that touches more or less on all of Mais conceptions. While it is the book title of Jane Ronald Martin, in its various wildcard combinations is a simple general term, reflects the articles content, and speaks to the more alter non-expert and expert subject areas that are brought up with School, Changing, and Families. Transforming American Education is a document-oriented term that helps to focus the search to the overarching concepts that are touched on in Children of the 90s, Domestic Vacuum in Children Lives, Schoolhome, and Rethinking Schools for Changing Families.The document types that American Education points to vary from the basic to the expert, making it a very good lynch pin-term. Free Indexing Although the derived monetary value above do a good note in reflecting the ideas in the article, some additional terms may include Social scene for Children Education, which brings in Education and children, provided Social Context is a broader, less expert phrase than containing 90s and domestic vacuum terms. Philosophy of Children Education, which gives as sense of the article, but the word Philosophy may not be an obvious children education search term.School and Home in United States, which is akin to schoolhome. Schoolhome would also be a good derived term, but this is slightly more nominative than descriptive. Moreover, using United States as an example gives geographical criteria to indexing term. Family School Relationship expands on Children Education with relationship between Family and School. It also broadens the scope by detailing what the school reform would be about. School Reform is a good term that points the search in the direction of planning and results for Transforming American Education.These 5 free- indexed terms would all be in Mais user and requirement areas, since some of the terms might be meaningful to those experts enough to think of using jargon as search terms. Assigned Indexing (ERIC) educational Change I found that education was a better term over school for reform, but feel that my subject terms School Reform and Rethinking Schools for Changing Families are still appropriate in that they speak to individual schools (as in a study), although in the grand schema of the database it does not help to split hairs.In ERIC, education reform was educational change (as of 1996, although reform is still commonly used in society) and the contents regarded modification of things such as curriculum and teaching methods, which matches the article. Educational Philosophy It is a good match, in that reflects the articles context and themes. Social Environment It means social factors or conditions that influence individuals or groups. It is a broader phrase than Social Context for Children Education. Family School Relationship It has a placeholder for it but no information (i. e. , no related terms, but I guide on it to be a viable indexing entry).It is also used for school home relationship. School Community Relationship It means formal or everyday interactions between an educational institution and the surrounding community, which matches the article. I believe brand label like Domestic Vacuum in Childrens Live, Children of the 90s, Schoolhome, and Rethinking Schools for Changing Families do not have much use in the thesaurus, but the variations of Social Environment, Educational Philosophy, Family School Relationship, and School Community do an excellent job in re presenting the subject, derived and free terms above.Although I see where my subject analysis was too narrow in some places I am leaving the term as-is (except for education reform for school reform, which is not much of a trade seeing how it is actually change) to show the evolution of the indexing knead in the assignment and in my mind. To revise my analysis would be like looking in the back of the textbook to do my homework. 6. 7. Compare, Contrast and Justification When I compared the derived and free indexing terms I selected with the descriptors in the ERIC thesaurus I was surprised by the number of them that were not in the ERIC thesaurus.In a few cases there was a close term, but for most there was nothing. This furthered my understanding of not only how challenging it is to select subjects for indexing, but how much harder it would be when face with a controlled vocabulary. For the most part only the very narrow generic subjects were listed in the thesaurus, the more desc riptive terms were not. In two cases terms I selected actually has a better term in the thesaurus, such as my choice of School Reform compared to the ERIC thesaurus descriptor Educational Change.The thesaurus does a service to the search process by training the indexer to be as strategic as possible in boiling down the essential terms or concepts of an article. My derived and free terms were no less accurate than the assigned terms, because author Susan B. Pickford was writing with an audience in mind and used the brand names to illustrate her article. ERIC is invaluable in not only framing the terminology commonly used for subjects, but also gives the searcher context, such as what the authoritative term used to be, along with a date of the change.This makes research interesting as an historical concept, and seeing how improvements have been made over the years, it helps to sharpen the indexers ear for the best possible match (e. g. , education in lieu of school, change instead of reform). As author Stephen Nachmanovich wrote, Creativity exists more in the searching than in the finding. However, in being creative as an indexer, you help the searcher in finding things where he wouldnt normally have considered looking.

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