Monday, September 30, 2019

Frameworks Childcare Unit 10

The different frameworks for children up until the age of 16 years the follow the national curriculum and the early years foundation years is the age between, from birth-5 year old and the national curriculum is ages between 5-11 years. It is mandatory for all the schools and early years settings in ofsed registered settings to follow the early year’s foundation stage. The national curriculum is broken down into four different key stages at the end stage there are SATS which are statutory assessment.The early year’s foundation stage The early year foundation stage the aim is to provide learning through play for example it is important for ever child to be equal and to be a unique child it is also important to have a relationship with the parents and for the children welfare is paramount. Review your environment to ensure that it is interesting, attractive and accessible to every child so they can learn independently.The national Curriculum The national curriculum is man datory for all schools between 5-11 years old, the compulsory national curriculum subjects are for key stages 1 and 2 which are English, maths, science, design and technology, ICT, history, geography, art and design, music and physical education these are measured for children’s progress compared to all pupils across the country.How the EYFS are used by practitioners to support learning The job of the practitioners is to develop the six areas of learning by using observations on the children. To observe them to show how much progress they have made and what learning groups they can go into for the best of there ability. It is important that the practitioners use ratios because they can keep to the routine better and provide emotional security.It is also important that practitioners use planning to meet individual needs and to view the child holistic view of the Childs development. It is important that you plan activities for the children and have a range of toys for all ages and to cover the six areas of learning stages. How the National Curriculum is used by teachers to support learning The role of the teacher is to enforce the national curriculum and ensure that all children have all the same opportunities to work to there best ability.It is important to have enough supervision and it is also important for all the children to have a key worker which would be the teacher of the class which will be there to teach the children all types of activities for example, maths, writing, physical activities, and creative activities. Also it is important that the teacher does planning, for example plan the activities that you are going to teach the children for the week which is called a short term plan and also plan for the month or the year which is called long term planning.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Marginal social costs Essay

Marginal social costs comprise private and external costs whilst marginal social benefits comprise private and external benefits. Externalities could be positive or negative; for instance, when social benefits greater than private benefits, it is a positive externalities. External costs will steer level of production and consumption above the socially efficient level; or vice versa. ‘In perfect free market system the market forces of supply and demand would lead to the optimal allocation of resources whereas social marginal benefit equals the social marginal cost and community surplus is maximised. ’ (Gillespie, 2007, p102) Price mechanism, the salient feature of a free market economy, acts as the signalling and incentive function as well as rationing device on resource allocation, which is corresponding to Mankiw’s 4th principle: ‘People respond to incentives’ (Mankiw, 2008, p7). Price enables ‘transmission of preferences’ that assists the information flow between entrepreneurs and consumers (Tutor2u, n. d. ). However, resource allocation will only be efficient if the price accurately reflect marginal social costs and benefits of consumption and production; whilst having good levels of information flow and resources mobility in the market economy. Thus, market failure will occur when the ‘signalling and incentive function of the price mechanism fails to operate optimally leading to a loss of economic and social welfare’ (ibid, n. d. ) Social efficiency and equity are the two major objectives of government intervention (Sloman, 2007, p190). Social efficiency occurs when marginal social benefits identical marginal social costs. If marginal social benefits have exceeded marginal social costs, it will be socially efficient to increase production; or vice versa. Equity is ‘fair distribution of resources’, which free market economy claimed as fail to lead both (ibid, p190). Government intervention can be conducted in various ways, such as legislation, taxation and subsidies; however, is claimed may lead to several issues. Price control is a pricing system determined by the government that dictates the prices of a commodity. It could be demonstrate in Figure 7-8. image06. pngPrice ceiling is conducted to make consumers better off. If it is below the equilibrium, (P0 in Figure 8), a shortage will be formed (Q2>Q1), which then lead to welfare loss as in free market economy, price would rise and reach equilibrium at PE. image07. png Price floor, is conducted to make entrepreneurs better off. If it is above equilibrium, (P0 in Figure 9), surplus will be formed (Q2>Q1) which then lead to welfare loss as in free market economy, price would fall to reach equilibrium at PE. However, if government require complete control on a business, it may use nationalisation, which means transferred private company’s ownership into public sector. Government intervention may also lead to issues such as valuation problems, Bureaucracy and lack of incentive. Bureaucracy, for instance, decision-makings may be time-consuming and lack of accuracy as it involved various groups. Moreover, it may virtually encourage the criminal and corrupted activities, such as the ‘black markets’, namely, illegal free markets. Taking everything into consideration, certain conclusions can be drawn. In free markets economy, price and allocation of resources are determined by demand and supply conditions, which their alterations would steer to new equilibrium price and quantity. In addition, government may intervenes the markets in terms of price controls as attempting to remedy market failures and imperfections which however may lead to corruption and inefficiency of allocation and production. References Tutor2u. (n.d.)  AS Markets & Market Systems: Price Mechanism. Retrieved, November 18, 2010 from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Alcohol Is the Worst Drug in the United States

A 2010 study by the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs ranked alcohol as â€Å"most harmful† drug on a list of 20 drugs. Alcohol ranked higher than crack and heroin when the potential harm to individuals and others was examined. Alcohol causes physical, psychological and social problems. Alcohol is a depressant that affects every part of the human body. Alcohol affects the part of the brain that controls coordination, memory, judgment and decision-making. Each year, more than 5,000 people under the age of 21 die from underage drinking. Another 1,900 die from car accidents. And still more people die from alcohol-related homicides, suicides and other alcohol-induced accidents. Alcohol costs the U. S. over 184. 6 billion dollars in 1998, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This cost was more than the estimated cost of all other illegal substances put together-$143. billion-during 1998. Although alcohol has been dubbed the most harmful drug, it is not the drug that does the most harm to an individual. In fact, alcohol earned this dubious honor because of the effect that alcohol has on the people around the alcoholic. Herion, crack cocain and metamfetamine are much more harmful to a person’s body than alcohol is. In a later study in the British Medical Journal, alcohol was found to be the fourth most dangerous drug after heroin, crack and crystal meth. This same study deemed alcohol to be the second most dangerous drug to society. Some people say that alcohol should be banned. Despite the overwhelming evidence that alchol is very bad for indivduals and their loved ones, alcohol remains legal in the U. S. During the 1920’s the US banned alcohol during a time called Prohibition. This policy is considered to have been a failure because it lead to more organized crime, increased alcoholics and negatively impacted the economy. Alcohol continues to be advertised on television and radio, apparently enticing people to continue to buy and drink alchol. Alcohol will always be legal. Alcohol is a big part of our American culture. It is embraced and celebrated by people of all ages every day. Our country is not prepared to make the consumption of alcohol illegal. Doing so would clog the court systems, lead to corruption of officials and cripple the U. S. econmy due to the lost tax money generated by the sale of alcohol. People do need to be educated on the dangers of alcohol so each person can make the best decision for themselves and their family, which would be to avoid alcohol alcohol all together. References Alaraki, M. (2010). Alcohol is society’s most dangerous drug. Retrieved from http://www. dailyfinance. om/2010/11/01/alcohol-is-societys-most-dangerous-drug/ Nutt, D. J. , (2010). Drugs harms in the UK: a multicriteria decision analysis. The Lancet 376(9752), 1558-1565. Doi: 10. 1016/50140-6736(10)61462-6 Grohol, J. M. (2010). Alcohol the Most Dangerous Drug? Probably not. Retrieved from http://psychcentral. com/blog/archives/2010/11/01/alcohol-the-most-dangerous-drug-probably-not/ Neurobonnkers . (2012). The largest ever study in to drug harms places alcohol in the top four. Retrieved from http://neurobonkers. com/2012/08/06/the-largest-ever-study-in-to-drug-harms-places-alcohol-in-the-top-four/ Alcohol Is the Worst Drug in the United States A 2010 study by the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs ranked alcohol as â€Å"most harmful† drug on a list of 20 drugs. Alcohol ranked higher than crack and heroin when the potential harm to individuals and others was examined. Alcohol causes physical, psychological and social problems. Alcohol is a depressant that affects every part of the human body. Alcohol affects the part of the brain that controls coordination, memory, judgment and decision-making. Each year, more than 5,000 people under the age of 21 die from underage drinking. Another 1,900 die from car accidents. And still more people die from alcohol-related homicides, suicides and other alcohol-induced accidents. Alcohol costs the U. S. over 184. 6 billion dollars in 1998, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This cost was more than the estimated cost of all other illegal substances put together-$143. billion-during 1998. Although alcohol has been dubbed the most harmful drug, it is not the drug that does the most harm to an individual. In fact, alcohol earned this dubious honor because of the effect that alcohol has on the people around the alcoholic. Herion, crack cocain and metamfetamine are much more harmful to a person’s body than alcohol is. In a later study in the British Medical Journal, alcohol was found to be the fourth most dangerous drug after heroin, crack and crystal meth. This same study deemed alcohol to be the second most dangerous drug to society. Some people say that alcohol should be banned. Despite the overwhelming evidence that alchol is very bad for indivduals and their loved ones, alcohol remains legal in the U. S. During the 1920’s the US banned alcohol during a time called Prohibition. This policy is considered to have been a failure because it lead to more organized crime, increased alcoholics and negatively impacted the economy. Alcohol continues to be advertised on television and radio, apparently enticing people to continue to buy and drink alchol. Alcohol will always be legal. Alcohol is a big part of our American culture. It is embraced and celebrated by people of all ages every day. Our country is not prepared to make the consumption of alcohol illegal. Doing so would clog the court systems, lead to corruption of officials and cripple the U. S. econmy due to the lost tax money generated by the sale of alcohol. People do need to be educated on the dangers of alcohol so each person can make the best decision for themselves and their family, which would be to avoid alcohol alcohol all together. References Alaraki, M. (2010). Alcohol is society’s most dangerous drug. Retrieved from http://www. dailyfinance. om/2010/11/01/alcohol-is-societys-most-dangerous-drug/ Nutt, D. J. , (2010). Drugs harms in the UK: a multicriteria decision analysis. The Lancet 376(9752), 1558-1565. Doi: 10. 1016/50140-6736(10)61462-6 Grohol, J. M. (2010). Alcohol the Most Dangerous Drug? Probably not. Retrieved from http://psychcentral. com/blog/archives/2010/11/01/alcohol-the-most-dangerous-drug-probably-not/ Neurobonnkers . (2012). The largest ever study in to drug harms places alcohol in the top four. Retrieved from http://neurobonkers. com/2012/08/06/the-largest-ever-study-in-to-drug-harms-places-alcohol-in-the-top-four/

Friday, September 27, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 128

Essay Example The historians oppose this concept. They illustrate that cultural and demographic constraints resulted into generally restrained courtship approach. Contemporary writers during the period deplored sexual activities, which they believed were not only rampant but also widespread. The popular culture during courtship period was considered immoral (Robert 39). Parents had significant role during selection of marriage partners. The initial stage of parents’ involvement is when courtship is serious. The parents had the responsibility of providing of formally providing or withholding consent. However, parental consent was not a legal requirement until 1754. In reality it took a lot of courage and will for a couple to continue with their courtship, in the presence of strong and open opposition from the parents or other respectable community members. Parental approval was greatly considered a desirable issue. For poorer couple, parental involvement was majorly a formality. The rich parents had economic factors to consider before providing consent; for instance, inheritance, family reputation, and dowry (Keith 92). The England community showed less control system and more flexible approaches in terms of parental control during courtship and marriage, than other world communities. Courtship and marriage were affected negligibly according to social class. There is no adequate illustration of a sub-society, during the period under study in terms of marriage. But, the concept that societal limitations illustrated a huge aspect of the attitude of the society towards reproduction, courtship and marriage, was mainly influenced through individual attraction, status in society and age. The social class factor was a significant factor to consider if property and wealth was involved. It was in some cases very difficult to marry into a family that is of high status financially or even

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Competition and business risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Competition and business risk - Essay Example Being a multinational company, Company H has eight other competitors in the market considering the fact that its market spreads across four economic zones of North America, Africa, Europe, Latin America, as well as Asia Pacific. Over the fourteen years, I had the biggest challenge and responsibility of making strategic decisions each year to enhance sustained profitability in addition to expanding the company niche in the market. Among other areas where strategic decisions were necessary included branded production and distribution decisions, corporate social responsibility, plant capacity, sales forecasts, marketing and other promotional activity decisions, private label operations, endorsement of celebrities, and most importantly, financial decisions (Goldratt, 1997, p. 63). At the end of each year over the fourteen years, four features served as the yardstick applied by the board to evaluate my performance. They included Earnings per share, credit rating, return on equity, and image rating. To me, it was clear that the operational performance of the company directly influenced these four significant performance measures. Therefore, it was my responsibility to oversee effective running of all operational activities within company H. Assessment of the PESTEL gives insights of company H currently, a position achieved under my guidance. This analysis will allow proper understanding of various factors within the macro environment that influence daily operations of the company. The relevance of evaluating PESTEL is that it brings forth a bigger picture of the environment within which Company H operates as well as opportunities and threats occurring within the same macro environment. Knowledge of the external environment within which the company runs business helps the management on behalf of the company take advantage of opportunities availing themselves and cut down threats posed by external factors. I understood clearly the five force

Final exam, answer question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Final exam, answer question - Essay Example External controls are the constraints of the company’s labor market such as governing laws of firing or hiring an employee, minimum wage requirements, and fixed working hours of an employee (Clift, 2014). Therefore, the degree of the labor market flexibility of a company is inversely correlated with the flexibility of external labor controls. For example, business organizations located in the countries with strict external labor laws can have decreased labor market flexibility. Labor deregulation proponents recommend that if the labor market, flexibility is high then levels of unemployment will decrease, and the company experiences long-term productivity. A developmental state concerns in guiding economic growth and development and proper use of country’s resources to meet the citizens’ needs. It tries to stabilize social development and economic growth. A developmental state exploits all county’s resources and uses national influence to eradicate poverty and create economic opportunities. A developmental state is effective to all countries because it shapes the economic structures and outputs of the countries (Clift, 2014). Different nations use various policies and instruments in states including the regulations of commerce and trade, the use of monetary and fiscal policies, the redistribution of possessions and incomes and direct ownership of key companies’ state (Low, 2004). For example, in South Africa, they have committed to build a developmental state that will guide the economic development efficiently through mobilizing society’s resources and directing them in attaining their common goals. The country provides health care, education, social safety and housing to the needy poor people. The developmental state also builds a strong community service, supports the development of small businesses, creates a friendly

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Higher education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Higher education - Essay Example I agree that too many people are joining colleges. There are several opportunities apart from going to college, and they are all viable. There are so many people going to college, and the most interesting thing is that there is a high rate of drop out compared to those graduating. The graduation rate is low as described by Murray in his article. It is evidential that there are six months certificates which are flexible as compared to four years stay in college. Also, most of the students spend up to six years in college; they could have invested the time in more viable ventures. All people that go to the college do not become successful. At the same time, too many people are joining the colleges leading the current education system into shamble (Murray 225). According to statistics, from the financial institutions, the competence of the financial students is wanting. Most of the people have tried to be fit and conform to the social norms of the society. No one is bound to fit into the social norm of the society, in fact, they must use creative and critical thinking does decide if to join the college or to become an electrician. The fact that too many people are going to college does not affect or influence an individual’s decision of joining the college. Joining the college must not me a communal decision but a personal decision (Murray 230). It is important to note that, not everyone who has the ability to make it through to college. Most of the skills must be learned in the alimentary and middle school. Murray describes the education system as a failing strategy. Most of the people in the society believe that everyone in the society must have a bachelor’s degree to be considered in the job market. People must do what they are good at and not what the society tells them to do. Money is not the reason for joining

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Why is Marco Polo more popular than Ibn Battutah Essay

Why is Marco Polo more popular than Ibn Battutah - Essay Example Marco Polo's first journey was a trip to Cathay (China) at the age of seventeen with his father. While traveling towards China they passed through Armenia, Persia, and Afghanistan, over the Pamirs, and all along the Silk Road to China. During their journey they first made a wide swing to the North arriving to the southern Caucasus and the kingdom of Georgia. Then they journeyed along the regions parallel to the western shores of the Caspian Sea, reaching Tabriz and made their way south to Hormuz on the Persian Gulf. From Homurz to Kerman, passing Herat, Balkh, they arrived Badakhshan, where Marco Polo recovered from an illness and stayed there for a year. On the move again, they found themselves on "the highest place in the world, the Pamirs", with its name appeared in the history for the first time. Ibn Battutah on his first journey travelled through Algiers, Tunis, Egypt, Palestine and Syria to Makkah. After visiting Iraq, Shiraz and Mesopotamia he once more returned to perform the Hajj at Makkah and remained there for three years. Ibn Battutah visited China sixty years after Marco Polo and travelled 75,000 miles, much more than Marco Polo and less remembered than Marco Polo. Marco Polo in his travels had visited the sprawling cities and markets that even Christopher Columbus had not seen, which later revealed as the "parts of Asia". Ibn Battutah also informed about such undiscovered lands and added additional knowledge to the works of Marco Polo. Marco Polo arrived the Taklamakan desert (or Taim Basin), after passing through the views of Yarkand, Khotan, Cherchen, and Lop-Nor. It was Marco's ability as a traveler and writer that enabled him to observe and write even the most minute and unnoticeable details after just going through the glimpses. On the other hand one cannot ignore the travel efforts made by Ibn Battutah even at those circumstances at which his ships were wretched. Ibn Battutah after leading three years at Makkah once again packed up and after a visit to Jeddah he went to Yemen by sea, visited Aden and set sail for Mombasa, East Africa. After going up to Kulwa and touching Hormuz, Siraf, Bahrain and Yamama he came back to Oman. He revisited Cairo, Palestine and Syria, thereafter arriving at Aleya (Asia Minor) by sea and travelled across Anatolia and Sinope. He crossed the Black Sea and after long itinerant he reached Constantinople through Southern Ukraine. (A.S Chughtai, Ibn Battutah-The great traveller) He w as appointed as chief judge in Delhi, and later, the Sultan as his Ambassador sent him to the Mongol Emperor of China. This trip took him to the Maldives, Bengal, Assam, Sumatra, and finally to the Chinese city of Zaytun and possibly Beijing. He returned to Morocco in 1349. Marco was such a dare hearted traveler that he did not lack behind in exploration of the Gobi Desert,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Analysis of Music Instruments in Movies Assignment

Analysis of Music Instruments in Movies - Assignment Example A musical score is a written form of a musical composition. Music has become one thing that people cannot do without due to its numerous advantages. Some of these include: it brings back memories, improves your concentration over time, it gives a soothing ability and some music expands our intellectual ability through the message. To Kill a Mocking Bird's score is one of the superlative scores I have ever encountered. The film based on Harper Lee's book titled by the same name. It is about a young lass Scout, and her elder brother Jem, and their feeble friend, Dill. Scout's father, Atticus (Gregory Peck) takes a case to defend a black man named Tom Robinson. He is accused of raping a white woman. A skillfully edited opening is displaying wonderful shooting and a beautiful score. Its high rating up to date bases on its affecting nature. To Kill a Mocking Bird is one of the greatest film ever, but one thing that makes me watch this movie time and time again is its exemplary music score. Melodies have been used to define what the actors are not enthusiastic or are incapable to communicate hence can stream emotional support for the film.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Technology Makes the World Smaller Essay Example for Free

Technology Makes the World Smaller Essay Technology Make the World Smaller Office 2004 Test Drive User Table of Contents Commerce 4 Dell6 Ebay 7 E-cash8 Work Cited11 Footnotes12 Technology Makes the World Smaller The international marketplace is changing very fast every day. E-commerce and E-Business is now one of the standard ways to do business. The Internet has opened up vast opportunities for business to tap into new markets all over the world. The use of the Internet removes all geographical constraints, permits the instant establishment of virtual branches throughout the world, and allows direct and immediate foreign market entry to the smallest of businesses to the biggest. As the economy is becoming more global in nature, companies are handling more business on an international level. When comparing traditional business to e-business, one can see several differences between the two. The most obvious difference when buying standard goods such as a computer or Clothes is the store. When dealing with e-business there is no real store or merchandise to look at. It is all presented through the merchants webpage, or by other electronic means. You will not be able to touch, or feel potential purchases. All you will have to go on is perhaps a picture and a brief description of the item on your computer screen. This is obviously a big change from traditional store where you can walk in physically touch what you plan to purchase. There are several reasons why e-business is appealing to a lot of people. E-business is based on the internet. If you are using the internet, you are not bound by geography. You can access any site, anywhere in the world from the comfort of your own chair. Now the consumer has access to several things they didnt before. Same goes for any type of business on the Web. The consumer and different business now has variety. With the entire internet at your fingers, in a matter of minutes you can browse several stores in several parts of the world without even leaving the comfort of your own home. This allows you to compare prices and products off of different site. With e-business you are not restricted to the prices and products of your local stores. You can easily choose the best price or the best product. You have probably read all of the news stories about the shift to e-commerce and the hype that has developed around e-commerce companies. And you may have actually purchased something on the web, so you have direct personal experience with e-commerce. Still, you may feel like you dont understand e-commerce at all so lets start with the basics. Commerce Before we get into a complete discussion of e-commerce, it is helpful to have a good mental image of plain old commerce first. If you understand commerce, then e-commerce is an easy extension. Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary defines commerce as follows: com. merce n [MF, fr. L commercium, fr. com- + merc-, merx merchandise] (1537) 1: social intercourse: interchange of ideas, opinions, or sentiments 2: the exchange or buying and selling of commodities on a large scale involving transportation from place to place 3: sexual intercourse So commerce is, quite simply, the exchange of goods and services, usually for money. You can see that at this high level, commerce is a fairly simple concept. Whether it is something as simple as a person making and selling hotdogs on a street corner or as complex as a Doctor performing heart surgery, all of commerce at its simplest level relies on buyers, sellers and producers. So electronic commerce is just exchange of money for goods and services via electronic means. In other words, electronic commerce is usually when you purchase something off of the Internet. It is often referred to as e-commerce, or e-business. The Internet has revolutionized the businesses of today. Instead of having physical stores, companies can sell their products right off of the Web. To understand it a bit, lets take a look at one of the most successful e-commerce companies Dell. Dell Dell provides a range of technology products, including mobility products, desktop personal computers, software and peripherals, servers and networking, and storage products. Co. s services offerings include infrastructure technology, consulting and applications, and business process services. Co. also provides a range of financing alternatives, asset management services, and other customer financial services for business and consumer customers. Co. s customers include corporate, government, healthcare, and education accounts. Co. conducts its businesses through four reportable segments: Large Enterprise; Public; Small and Medium Business; and Consumer. Dell is a straightforward company that, like Gateway 2000, and a host of others, sells custom configured PCs to consumers and businesses around the world. Dell started as a mail order company that advertised in the back of magazines and sold their computers over the phone. Like the book Direct from Dell explains â€Å"Dells WebPages have enabled Dell computers to reduce their expenditures and become much more efficient in their production and distribution of their computers. Dells success at using the built to order system and internet has enabled them to become a much more efficient manufacturer of computers allowing Dell to maximize profits. Dells e-commerce presence is widely publicized these days because Dell is able to sell so much merchandise over the web. Dell currently sells something like $14,000,000 in equipment every day. 25% of Dells sales is over the web. Simplified e-commerce is what most small businesses and individuals are using to get into e-commerce. In this option the vendor provides a simplified system for creating your store. The system usually involves a set of forms that you fill out online. The vendors software then generates all of the web pages for the store for you. One good examples of this sort of offering is the website â€Å"Ebay†. EBAY Technology has allowed us to form international community with consumers. Not many company’s have done this as well as Ebay who was one of the first but more are popping up such as Amazon. There are very few companies in the world that are as recognizable as eBay. It is the online auction site and stands as one of the top online retailing stores in the world today. Hundreds of millions of people buy and sell merchandise through the eBay website. Few websites, if any, can drive the amount of traffic that eBay gets on an average day. What is more, virtually all of the people visiting eBay intend either to buy or sell goods and they can be neighbors or on opposites sides of the world. Because of this it is the perfect place on the internet to acquire or dispose of merchandise. The ability to display a products or services, and the ability to extend your business hours to 24-7 without a physical presence, and to update information which is seen by the world, immediately is very powerful in reaching global markets. Businesses can now use website like ebay and the internet breaks down logistical barriers, offering greater flexibility and power in the way they do business. It shrinks time and distance, simplifies complex business processes. E-cash Our textbook states that the biggest impact that will effect international business and global customers is E-retailing and financial services. They say the day is just around the corner where we will have â€Å"E-cash† which stands for electronic cash. With the example of prepaid smart cards we can see it’s not to far behind. Today you can buy one of these cards and use them for public calls and transportation and replacing cash. Once we see this type of payment option show up on the internet it will result in global digital cash and customers and business will be able to work on a 24-hr basis. Electronic cash systems offer vast opportunities for the consumer and business. In business transactions, electronic cash allows businesses to verify cash transactions instantly and to covert from one currency to another. This will be a big break through e-cash will be a currency without a country. In consumer to business transactions, it is easier for the customer because there is no need to carry physical currency, and transactions can be made over the internet instantly. EBay creates value by providing a very simple service. It brings people together. To the uninitiated, this may not seem like much. And yet, it is the foundation of a multibillion-dollar, multinational business empire that exerts an influence over the lives of millions of people. An advantage of any new technology as well as the internet is that it amplifies human potential. When electricity, the telephone, the automobile, and the airplane were invented they made the world more accessible to more people. Bussiness and people could now reech further distances. The internet can have the same revolutionary impact individuals and businesses can overcome geographical, cultural and logistical barriers and improve the way they live and work instantly. Because it amplifies our potential in so many ways, its possible that the long-term impact of the Internet could equal that of electricity, the automobile and the telephone. Disadvantages of the new technology and the internets is that it can make work portable. This will allow company’s to contract work overseas to save of coast. Resulting in people loosing jobs to low paid workers in other countries. In Conclusion the development of technology has greatly benefited mostly developed countries in which they were first launched, but because of the internet many other undeveloped countries are not to far behind. The power of the internet has now allowed for people to communicate regardless of where they are in the world weather it is your neighbor living twenty feet away, or some person totally across the world. Work cited Dell, Michael, Catherine Fredman, , and . Direct from Dell. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1999. Print. Dell Inc.. Mergent Online. Mergent, 2005. Web. 15 Jun 2010. . Hodgetts, Richard, Fred Luthans, and Jonathan Doh. International Management. 6th. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2006. 46-48. Print. Footnotes

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Welfare State and Moral Irresponsibility :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

The Welfare State and Moral Irresponsibility    President Bush has declared the fourth week of April to be National Volunteer Week. This is a follow-up to his call for all Americans to do two years of community service during their lifetimes, and his creation of the new federal USA Freedom program to pay volunteers and to encourage service. But should we all really rush out to man the ladles at the nearest soup kitchen? Is such service really good for America?    Let's start by clarifying some moral confusion. The measure of our moral worth is not how much we give to others but rather to what extent we hold our own lives as our highest value and take the responsibility for our lives. That standard requires us to set goals that will contribute most to our survival and well being, and to create the means to attain those goals. It requires honesty, integrity, self-discipline, and fortitude in the face of self-destructive indulgences that distract us from our long-term happiness.    If more people lived by this standard, there would be little need for volunteers to help others. Each of us would earn our own way, support our own families, take pleasure from our own friends, and take care of our own needs. We owe our fellow citizens respect for their rights and freedom. We do not owe them a living.    Of course, there are good self-interested reasons for helping others in such a society. In the case of the September 11th terrorist attacks that murdered 3000 innocent people, we as individuals took it upon ourselves to make right an injustice, generously contributing a billion dollars to help the victims with whom we rightly sympathized. It's also in our self-interest to live in a society with other independent, productive, and creative citizens, so we can exchange material goods and ideas with one another, share challenges and experiences, rejoice in the achievement of others, and have our own achievements recognized. To that end we as individuals might help a poor but worthy student pay for college, or we might help others who suffer through unforeseen emergencies or circumstances, such as a serious illness. We might even help those who suffer through some fault of their own, for example, through the use of drugs or other irresponsible choices, if we judge that those individuals a re trying to mend their ways.

The Trail of Tears Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

The Trail of Tears I walked into the room on New Year’s Day and felt a sudden twinge of fear. My eyes already hurt from the tears I had shed and those tears would not stop even then the last viewing before we had to leave. She lay quietly on the bed with her face as void of emotion as a sheet of paper without the writing. Slowly, I approached the cold lifeless form that was once my mother and gave her a goodbye kiss. I looked around at everyone in the room and saw the sorrow in their eyes. My eyes first fell on my grandmother, usually the beacon of strength in our family. My grandmother looked as if she had been crying for a very long period of time. Her face looked more wrinkled than before underneath the wild, white hair atop her head. The face of this once youthful person now looked like a grape that had been dried in the sun to become a raisin. Her hair looked like it had not been brushed since the previous day as if created from high wispy clouds on a bright sunny day. Being my twin, Dylan gave me a slight look into what I looked like at the present time. The area around my brother’s eyes looked as though he was having a bad day with allergies. His face was as grim as a gargoyle’s, its stone eyes reflecting forever the scream that would never issue forth from its throat. Gazing upon my sister, it was as though she had been replaced by her complete opposite. Where once her face had been covered with smiles all of the time, her face was now contorted with grief, and it looked like she would never smile again. Her look could only be described as a small child who has lost a toy in the sand box. The machines to my right gave a loud hum as they continued to monitor my mother’s heartbeat, pulse,... ...that the body was in, once the contents of the room left, the room was no longer important. Once the room was empty, we no longer wanted to be there or associated with it. The same goes for the body; it was not that we really needed the body but the soul that was contained therein. The body was wanted but not really of great importance because of what was gone. Therefore, the lesson was that the body was a container for the soul and not all that important. If we had no need for the body to be happy, then the soul was what made us happy. We did not need the body and were reminded that the soul went on to another place which gave us reason to stop grieving and move on with our lives. Works Cited: Mckay, D. (2004, February 20). I ask myself why? Post Retrieved February 21, 2004, from cgibin/displaypoem.cgi?pid=304934

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Historical Significance of Puerto Rico Essay -- History Puerto Ric

The Historical Significance of Puerto Rico For most of its history, Puerto Rico has been controlled by an outside power, and its people oppressed. While Puerto Rico is currently a U.S. territory, Spanish colonialism has had a significant impact on the island’s development and identity. The history of the island itself is proof of this fact, demonstrating each step Puerto Rico took to reach its current state. By examining the stages of Spanish control that Puerto Rico experienced, we can determine how each stage affected the structure and identity of Puerto Rico. Before Spain invaded Puerto Rico, the native population known as the Taino inhabited it. At the beginning of the 1500’s, the Taino were conquered by the Spanish and, after a series of revolution attempts, virtually disappeared from Puerto Rican life. Those that were left fled to the interior of the island, which was, at that time, uninhabited. This part of the island became a refuge for the people who had fled from the approaching Spanish conquerors. This was the first stage in Puerto Rico’s development. Spain was the most dominant oppressor of Puerto Rico, and its occupation of the island resulted in many social and economic changes. The native people were marginalized, and Spain took over Puerto Rico in order to turn it into a productive colony. In addition to this, the presence of the Spaniards in Puerto Rico added a different ethnic group to the island’s native population. When the official slave trade began in 1518, African slaves were added to Puerto Ricoâ €™s mixed ethnic heritage. (Figueroa 9/22) According to "A Bicentennial Without a Puerto Rican Colony", Unlike the United States, in Puerto Rico the different races mixed and intermingled to create the moder... ...ed Bergad, Laird. "The Coffee Boom, 1885-1897," from: Bergad, Coffee and Agrarian Capitalism in Nineteenth-Century Puerto Rico (Princeton: Princeton U Press, 1983), 145-203 Cruz, Jose. "Puerto Rican Independence-then and now". Scarano, Francisco, "Sugar and Slavery in Puerto Rico, 1815-1849: An Overview," from Scarano, Sugar and Slavery in Puerto Rico: The Plantation Economy of Ponce, 1800-1850 (Madison: U of Wisconsin Press, 1984), 3-34 Thomas, Piri. "A Bicentennial Without a Puerto Rican Colony". Valle Antiles, Francisco del, "The Spiritual Life of the Jibaro, " from: Iris M. Zavala and Rafael Rodrigues (eds.) The Intellectual Roots of Independence, An Anthology of Puerto Rican Political Essays (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1980), 95-103

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


4th Floor, Sunshine Plaza Building FTI Complex, Taguig City Presented to the Faculty of Department of Information Technology Education AMA Computer Learning Center College By: Norjie D. Ditucalan Sumille D. Gomez Chapter 1 Background Study Nowadays, in a highly technological society, human productivity is made more efficient through the development of electronic gadgets. More advanced technology is now being introduced. One of the best examples is the computer based database. Now, with the advent of such modernization in health, one way to globalize the process of research is to realize that technology advancing at an incredibly fast pace. Computers are not confined to being used for entertainment but its role in health maintenance is also vast. Companies and business establishments use computer based system to provide information to their clients, employees, costumers, and especially to the management. In Fitness Gym, recording details are written down on record books. A record book is a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someonewith their personal information provided. It is also organized for use and maintained by an employee, or a private individual. In addition, it is a place in which we get information in any format and from many sources. The employee has to keep the room neat so that it is conductive the fitness activity. The gym employee is also the person who is liable for monitoring all the records in the said establishment. The proponent will propose a computerized recording system for the FEM GYM. The gym is still utilizing a manual system. The costumers and the employees still use a logbook in writing down the information and records of each client. This system is to provide facilities for users to enter information into the system  directly, instead of passing the information usually on paper. Objectives of the Study General Objective Generally, the proponent’s purpose in designing the system is to help the operation of FEM Fitness Gym with regards to their records. This system will be able to help the said establishment to find their records accurate and promptly. Also to change the manual system of their daily recording. It will lessen the time of the employee in searching the costumer’s record and computerized their costumers profile sheet. It introduces a new way of informing and updating the operation of FEM Gym. Specific Objectives 1. To provides an organize file inside the gym. 2. To make it easier for the employees and costumer to find their records. 3. To make it easier for the employees to input information for the new members Scope of the Study This system deals with searching of accurate information with regards to FEM Fitness Gym. Just by simply pointing and clicking the mouse on the search button and let the user display the information needed on the screen. The user can also check the time consumed by the costumer and input how much they have to pay. It also updates the membership status of each client. Significance of the study This study provides a great advantage to the employee and the owner. The system was designed to make filing information and sorting of records easier and more convenient. It is easy to manipulate and functional to the employee and the owner. Moreover the software was designed with the security code or password to secure all files and records from unauthorized users. Chapter 2 RELATED LITERATURE This chapter will discuss the theoretical framework that illustrates paradigm of existing system and the study of the system. This will be followed by a review of the related literature of the previous writings and research done by the distinguished authorities, which have significant impact on the  problem under investigation. This places the current study into the context of previous, related research. Such as, the literature review emphasizes the relatedness between the current study and the works of the other authors. FOREIGN STUDIES A record is any information –text, number, image, or voice kept for future reference. As a civil servant or even as a business man, you need to realise how vital an efficient records management system is to the smooth operation of an organisation. The main purpose of a records management system is to make sure records are available when needed so that the organization can operate efficiently. Such a system fulfils this purpose in several ways by: âž ¢ Using storage media âž ¢ Providing proper storage equipment and supplies âž ¢ Outlining procedures for filing âž ¢ Developing an efficient retrieval procedure âž ¢ Setting up a schedule for when records should be kept or discarded. An office cannot operate without records. Records are kept so that you and others in the office can refer to the information later or use it to complete another task. That is why many business and other organizations have records management system such a system will help you store and retrieve records efficiently and keep the file current. RECORD SYSTEMS: There are several systems we can keep our records. Some of them are as follows: âÅ"“ The Book File System : This is the method of filing whereby all minutes are enclosed from the left-hand side, face to cover, in chronological order and are numbered in the same fashion as the book. The first page is the oldest paper in the file. âÅ"“ The Split File System: This is the method of filing whereby all minutes are put on the left hand side of the file and separately numbered, while letters, both incoming and outgoing, are placed on the right hand side and numbered consecutively from the bottom to the top†¦ Excerpt from Record Management Facilities by AsogwaSylve, (2010). In exploration, we find new techniques, new knowledge, even develop new substances, gadgets, equipment, processes or procedures, imagination and skill is employed by the researcher. The commodities, new devices, services, in technology are needs of man for a better fuller life which is the concern of the research. These useful arts are the products of the technological environment and the end-user is society in general. The excerpt was stated by Josefina Estolas in the book Fundamentals of Research (1995). Science and technology are essential for national development and progress. The State shall give priority to research and development, invention, and their utilization, and to science and technology education according to the 1987 Philippine Constitution (Article XIV, Section 10). Since computer power was the critical resource, efficiency of processing became the main goal. Emphasis was placed on automating existing process such as purchasing or paying, often within single department as indicated by Jeffrey A. Hofer on Modern System Analysis and Design (1996). A major purpose of a database system is to provide users with an abstract view of data. That is the system hides certain details of how the data are stored and maintained as stated by Abraham Silberschatz, Database System Concepts (1999). A database is an organized collection of facts and information. An organizations database can contain facts and information on customers, employees, inventory, competitors, sales information and much more. Most Managers and executive believe a database is one of the most valuable and important parts of a computer-based Information System in accordance with Ralph M. Stair’s Fundamentals of Information System (2001). LOCAL STUDIES In the old days, business was done using papers and flat registers. The organization of these registers was difficult and the storage of huge amounts of data was a real problem. Also, the process of preparing a report takes a lot of time. But when computers were introduced into the business  field, everything had changed. Databases were used to store huge amounts of data and organize them. Instead of spending many hours (or maybe days) preparing a report, a query consisting of a number of statements can perform the job in some seconds. Although databases were very useful, another problem has appeared. Companies and corporations spread over wide distances. A single company can have branches in all the governorates of a country and maybe with some branches outside that country. Data communicating and sharing was a problem. This problem was solved using computer networks which are the best way for data communicating. Nowadays, computer networks are essential for any business. Computer networks are used for file transfer, voice and video conferencing. For this reason, we have chosen our final project to discuss networks from different sides†¦ Excerpt from DESIGNING A BANK NETWORK (2010). In the past, history has it that the act of â€Å"RECORD KEEPING† were basically performed on tablets, stone, Animal skin and many other forms of record keeping were also designed .However, over the years, with the advent of modern technology, things have changed tremendously for better. Science and researches have come up with an efficient electronic machine called â€Å"computer† that can perform wonders in various capacity and of such is the record keeping. No single development within the past five decades has a greater impact on record keeping system, accounting and business management system than the advent of computer application (wikipedia). Computers are widely used in the field of engineering, medicine, education, automobile technology, agriculture, economic planning e.t.c. However, the most spectacular growth has been in the field of business organization. Similarly, tasks such as record keeping which requires repetition for various sets of data are ideally suited for computer system. Excerpt from the article of THE IMPACT OF COMPUTER APPLICTION ON RECORD KEEPINGBY AHMAD UMAR DEWA CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The academic motivation underlying the above aims is to systematically explore whether a new conceptual coherence can be developed within the field of action oriented research such that the current ordering process could be  conceptually assimilated, further clarified, brought to sharper focus, usefully applicable. This standard type of framework shows the input we are proposing and the process that has to be done then the outcome of it. InputProcessOutput The conceptual framework shows that the existing process of the establishment in FEM Fitness Gym, Maharlika Road Branch, Taguig is a manual process wherein they find their records/files manually and they write the costumer’s information. In this process the gym operations consumes too much time and effort or wasting in finding their records while our proposed system process, help the gym to find their record promptly. Also change their manual system of their daily recording. It will lessen the time of the employee in searching the costumer’s record and computerized input of information. Definiton of Terms Record keeping Record keeping refers to the retention of records deemed important to a person, company or any other establishment. This goes hand in hand with records management, which is the creation, retention, filing, storage, to final disposition. Database A database is an organized collection of data. The data are typically organized to model relevant aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring this information. For example, modeling the availability of rooms in hotels in a way that supports finding a hotel with vacancies. FILES This page describes the term file and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. FITNESS GYM A health club (also known as a fitness club, fitness center, and commonly referred to as a gym) is a place which houses exercise equipmentfor the purpose of physical exercise. VISUAL BASIC Visual Basic is a third-generation event-driven programming language and  integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft for its COM programming model first released in 1991. Microsoft intends Visual Basic to be relatively easy to learn and use.[1][2] Visual Basic was derived from BASIC and enables the rapid application development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications, access to databases using Data Access Objects, Remote Data Objects, or ActiveX Data Objects, and creation of ActiveX controls and objects. The scripting language VBScript is a subset of Visual Basic. MY SQL also called â€Å"My Sequel† (as of July 2013) the world’s most widely usedopen-source relational database management system(RDBMS) that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases, thoughSQLite probably has more total embedded deployments. It is named after co-founder Michael Widenius’s daughter, My. The SQL phrase stands for Structured Query Language. CODES A code is a rule for converting a piece of information (for example, a letter, word, phrase, or gesture) into another – usually shortened orcovert- form or representation (one sign into another sign), not necessarily of the same type. SEARCH BOX A search box or search field is a common GUI element used in computer programs, such as file managers or web browsers, and on web sites. A search box is usually a single-line text boxwith the dedicated function of accepting user input to be searched for in a database. Search boxes on web pages are usually used to allow users to enter a query to be submitted to a Web search engine server-side script, where an index database is queried for entries that contain one or more of the user’s keywords. Chapter 3 Research Methodology Descriptive Method It was argued that archival description is not simply an aid to discovery and retrieval3. Instead, it is integral to documenting knowledge about records and the circumstances in which they are made and kept – essential knowledge  for the records to exist as records and serve their principal use as evidence. In other words, the primary purpose of documentation or finding aids is not repository control or the facilitation of access but as an indispensable component in the making and keeping of records. In the paper world, it was possible to lose sight of this because archival methods based on the ‘life cycle’ separated the preparation of finding aids in time from other documentation activities. Archivists acquired custody of records no longer in current use and preserved them by physically segregating them into provenance-based fonds in an order reflecting their last practical use. This fixity of placement and arrangement was replicated in finding aids which did l ittle more than represent the physical organisation of the records in boxes and on shelves. In this last ‘archival’ phase of the life cycle, such finding aids contribute little to recordkeeping (merely duplicating physical placement, which has been the chief recordkeeping tool known to the archivist). Finding aids also give value-added knowledge of context, but even here archivists have allowed themselves to become ‘collection’ focused. Archivists have documented contextual knowledge only insofar as it related to the records they held, being the small quantity of records which have survived appraisal (or competition for deposit) and which happened to have been transferred to their custody. Context has been documented only insofar as it was necessary to describe records in custody. Contextual descriptions have become, therefore, merely adjuncts to and enhancements of the listings of records held – little more than additional descriptors to an item list – not documentation of a recordkeeping system. Not surprisingly, such finding aids c ame to be seen as being principally aids to discovery and retrieval. Their prospective users (those for whom they were written) were ‘researchers’ whose perceived information needs came to dominate archival descriptive practice. Traditional descriptive methods were used to portray an entity in which it was assumed all relevant features of structure were to be found physically embodied in the material being portrayed and to which necessary contextual knowledge could be attached as a descriptive enhancement rather than to show relationships with other descriptive entities (not necessarily records). This traditional descriptive model or ‘system’ informs much of the work which has so far gone into recent descriptive standards efforts. The International Council on Archives (ICA)  standards claim to be independent of both technological and methodological systems, though I have argued in Part 1 that they are dependent on, and limited by, the assumptions implicit in the traditional methods they largely reflect. Name: Position: Questionnaire 1.Do you encounter record problems? Like lost of record sheets? How? Why? 2.Are you willing to change your recording method from to computerized? Why? 3.What are the problems usually occurs? 4.Are you convinced that the manual recording reflect with the income of your business is accurate? 5.If you’re going to develop your recording process, what features would you like to add? 6.Are there any information sources of information which I should be aware? 7.How would your customers know their membership status? 8.How often do you check your membership status? Week Year Month Other 9.What is the current membership status of your customers? 10.We name this system as â€Å"Fit Me In†, Do you want it to be change? If yes, give any suggestions. Name: Position: Survey 1.How long you’ve been running this fitness gym? Months Year/s 2.Is it hard to keep recording/ attendance sheet of your customer? Yes No 3. Any changes you want to change to improve the process on your work? User-friendly Secured Easy to Update 4.Do you encountered lost of records? Yes No 5. Are you convinced with the manual transaction when it comes to security? Yes No Data Flow Diagram

Monday, September 16, 2019

European Airlines 1993-1997 Essay

⇠¨ Back ground and PEST analysis For many years, European Airlines are considered to be feed by the government. Before 1990s, the introduction of deregulation, this market was highly controlled by the government. Automatically, the result is high price as well as poor management and service. Consumers, of course, complained about the bad perform of them. Like most of the state-owned businesses, although some of the airlines intended to lower their price by cost cutting, redundancies and reorganization because of the increasing competition pressure, most of them failed because of the government interfere and strong labor reaction. Back in 1978, Airline deregulation first introduced to Americans. The new act allowed new airlines to come, permitted them to choose lines individually and release the pricing power. Till 1993, the price had decreased about 20%. A highly profitable service, transcontinental long haul flying, had exceeded 35% of the total. There in another one thing needs to mention: U.S. applied aggressive strategy, which is considered illegal in Europe. Refer to the fifteen years innovations in U.S, European politics finally made up their minds to repeal their restrictions in 1993. It is predicted that the European airlines environment might be completely open up in 1997 hopefully. In other words, there is five years for domestic airlines to adjust their strategies. Poter’s 5-force model âž ¢ The extent of competitive rivalry/industry competitors. Considering European market as a whole, the threat comes from airlines of other continents. This refers to those except cross-Europe and domestic routes. If we choose one airline specifically, for example Lufthansa airlines, its competitors most are inside the Europe. (E.g. British Airways, Deutsche BA, Air France, Alitalia etc. Further more, it was also threaten by some new entrants âž ¢ The threat of potential new entrants This involves airlines that ready to enter during this period. Generally speaking, these new entrants are relatively small size but more flexible. It does not have much burden of either the government or labor responds. As a result, they usually have low-cost so that the price might be even half less than the original ones. As a small size of the firm, their service is usually short haul and has constant demand of customers. âž ¢ The bargaining power of buyers This refers to organization/individual who buys the service. They are price/service sensitive. âž ¢ The bargaining power of suppliers Before deregulation the suppliers are disjointed with the airlines. Being centrally controlled by the government, either suppliers or airlines cannot fit efficiently and effectively. However, both sides might be automatically matched after they are release from the control. This will be mentioned later. âž ¢ The threat of substitutes Here means some other transport tools that cause airlines loss their consumers. ⇠¨ Analysis of Strategy Look back to the U.S. strategies. The whole model was set up based on a mass computing network, complex operating technique and pricing system, large investment and continuously attention to cost cutting. However, although this serious of activities are effective and improve the productivity and investment ability, it does not exceed the increasing marketing pressure. Potentially, these tactics might fit for specific European airlines, but not all of them. Except the political factors as I have mentioned before, another problem is that most of the companies operate separately form check-in to maintaining the motor. What they really need is set up a new competitive strategy in order to reorganize the business structure with their core ability.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Functional Area Plan: Human Resources Essay

MegaJava Corporation is a medium-sized manufacturing company with 250 employees. It directly markets one product: a unique coffee cup with a patented ball bearing sliding mechanism. Nathan Jr. and a group of 10 other executives run the company. MegaJava Corporation has received a large sum of money from a venture capitalist. The venture capitalist and Nathan Jr. are predicting 100 percent growth in five years. To achieve that growth, productivity will need to increase at a similar rate. Therefore, this proposal provides a suggested business model update. Further, the functional areas updates are indicated to assist the business model to predict, plan, and implement future growth and profits. MegaJava will need to have a strong and aggressive approach when it comes to Human Resources. Like all companies the employees are the backbone and driving focus to the company’s success. Defined in A Guide for Strengthening HRM Systems (2005) as the use of procedures, policies, and practices to recruit, maintain, and develop employees in order for the organization to meet its desired goals; Human Resources is the backbone of the MegaJava Corporation. The company will also need to budget for the existing positions as well projected positions and workload requirements. The Human Resources department at MegaJava will focus on staffing, profitability, improvement strategies, performance evaluations, and employee relations litigations amongst other things. The challenges MegaJava faces in the future with the current 250 employees and growing will be retention, development and work-life balance. â€Å"The top three in the U.S. were managing talent, improving leadership and managing demographics† Goldsmith, M. (2008). Managing Workforce Flow and Developing Human Capital is two areas that continue to be ongoing issues within the HR field. MegaJava will comply with all Federal, State and Local laws dealing with discrimination based on race, color, gender, religion and handicap. All applicants will be judged on case by case basis and will not be denied a job if they are capable of completing the task regardless of any physical or mental handicaps and in cases where MegaJava will need to give special accommodations within federal guidelines. Compile too all privacy laws dealing with an applicant’s right to privacy and all employees handling personal records and information have to maintain a level of confidentiality. MegaJava will follow all IRS and Immigration laws for all employees and contractors. Benefits are important to all employees sometimes more than. MegaJava will have a benefits package that includes health and dental insurance, retirement plans, life insurance, disability and vacation. Full-Time employees will be offered some mandatory benefits. The company will be required legally to have unemployment and worker’s compensation for all employees because it is federally mandatory. Along with compensation MegaJava will implement programs that will serve as tools to drive productivity and performance while reducing risk within the organization. Recognition programs will boost morale while empowering employees. The site GreatBizTools listed that only 25% of employees work at their full capacity and 50% give the bare minimum. GreatBuzTools. (NA). Future Growth As the demands of the business increase, the company must have sufficient managers to create a workload planner, delegate tasks and supervise employees. MegaJava will comply with all Federal, State and Local laws dealing with discrimination based on al race, color, gender, religion and handicap. The company will maintain high ethical standards of confidentiality when dealing with an applicant’s privacy and all employees handling personal records; complying with all IRS, Immigration & Disability laws for all employees and contractors. MegaJava is predicting to hire an additional 250 employees over the next 5 years. The estimated payroll for the hiring will be over 2.3 million dollars. â€Å"A growing, entrepreneurial company, with variable sales and income, may be better off controlling the levels of base salaries† Heathfield, S. The recommendation will be to hire an estimated 50 employees annually. Reducing the number of management hired every year will give the company the opportunity to develop and promote current employees to the next level. Development is a great recognition tool for any company because most employees will like to feel they are growing along with the success of their company. Defining Roles: Positions and Responsibilities Hourly positions that can be beneficial to the HR team would be an Administrative Assistant which would require 1 to 5 years’ experience, high school diploma or equivalent and a starting salary of 47k annually. The Administrative Assistant will be coordinate support for the organization. Duties for this position includes record keeping, answering the phones, mail distribution, submit work orders and track employee attendance. The employee within this position can be developed and promoted into the HR Specialist and/or Customer Service Representative position  Human Resources Specialist and Human Resources Manager are important position to the recruiting and retaining of employees. Qualifications for a strong HR Specialist and Manager would be 1 to 5 years’ experience directly in the recruiting field, minimum of a Bachelor’s degree and has a starting salary of 52k annually for a HR Specialist and 99k annually for a HR Manager. Both positions recruit, interview, and hire applicants, however the HR Manager focuses more on strategic planning and performance management. Candidates within this role can transition into a Benefits Coordinator or Benefits Manager position. Bureau of Labor Statistics, (2012)  The Compensation and Benefits department is responsible for planning and coordinating how and how much the company pays and the benefits available to the employees. Working within this department employees are required to monitor market conditions while staying updated and within compliance of local, state and federal law with wages and benefits. The department maintains that operations of the business stays within the budget created at the beginning of the fiscal year. Other advancements for employees within this position would be Accounting & Finance.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Arguments Against The Flu Vaccine

Every fall season we hear the question; did you get your flu shot yet? It is supposed to protect you from that nasty flu virus that circulates our communities during the fall and winter months. But, did you know that in 2011 the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Adverse Event Reporting Systems Website (AERS) reported 51 deaths caused by the flu vaccine in the United States (U. S. ) (CDC,2012).According to National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), as of July 2012 there have been more than 84,000 reports of adverse reactions, 1000 vaccine related deaths and over 1600 cases of Guillain- Barre syndrome, a acute form of paralysis, triggered by the vaccine (NVIC. ORG). A problem exists in the fact that according to the ( NVIC) fewer than 1% of all adverse vaccine reactions are ever reported, this fact is substantiated by the problem of â€Å"underreporting† vaccine injuries according to the joint operated site by the CDC and Food and Drug Administration ( FDA) (VAERS, 2011).Resear ch claims that receiving the flu vaccine exposes people to a number of dangerous chemicals that have been known to cause multiple side effects, disease conditions, and deaths. The U. S. Government’s public health agency, the CDC, pledges â€Å"to base all public health decisions on the highest quality scientific data openly and objectively derived† (Doshi, 2013, Marketing vaccines, Para 1). Peter Doshi, a postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins University School of medicine, argues that in the case of influenza vaccines and their marketing this is not the case.He believes that the vaccine might be less beneficial and less safe than has been claimed and the threat of influenza appears overstated. Doshi goes on to further question the CDC’s recommendation that the influenza vaccine can only do good, pointing to serious reactions to influenza vaccines in Australia, Finland and Sweden. (British Medical Journal, 2013) Every year scientists travel to Asia and have to gue ss which specific viruses are active and circulating that season and have to chose 3 strains of flu out of the 300+ known documented strains of influenza (flu) viruses.These 3 viruses are then attenuated or weakened and added to the mix of a number of other ingredients, which we will review, to make a flu vaccine. The ingredients listed in influenza vaccines are available in the inserts provided by the vaccine manufacturers and also posted on the CDC’s vaccine Pinkbook website. A few of the ingredients include Thimerosol, 2 Phenoxyethanol, Aluminum, Beta Propiolactone, Ammonium Sulfate, Formaldehyde, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), Gentamycin Sulfate, Polymixin B and more. The ingredient Thimerosol is used as a preservative in the vaccine.It is 49. 6% mercury by weight and is a powerful neurotoxin. It has been implicated in many heath conditions such as cardiovascular collapse, autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia and many other central nervous system (CN S) disorders. ( CDC, Pinkbook). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says it best: â€Å"Mercury in all of its forms is toxic to the fetus and children and efforts should be made to reduce exposure to the extent possible to pregnant women and children as well as the general population† (AAP.Pediatrics- para 8, 2001). 2 Phenoxyethanol is an anti bacterial agent being used as a replacement for the preservative Thimerosal. This industrial ingredient is used in perfumes, insect repellents, antiseptics, germicides and dyes. According to the Material safety data sheet( MSDS) 2 Phenoxyethanol is harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed thru the skin. It may cause reproductive defects. EPA data sheets show chromosomal changes and genetic mutation effects in testing (Dunkin, 2008). Aluminum is added to vaccines in many forms.It works as an adjuvant to stimulate your immune system’s response to the virus in the vaccine. Aluminum has been found to be a dangerous neurotoxin t hat has the ability to slip past the blood brain barrier (BBB) causing brain damage, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), convulsions and coma. Human and animal studies have shown that Aluminum can cause nerve death (Mercola, 2011) Beta Propiolactone is an ingredient to assist with sterilizing the vaccine. It ranks high as a hazardous chemical on at least 5 federal regulatory lists.It has caused lymphomas and hepatomas after being injected into lab mice but its true effects on humans is not known. Due to animal study results the international Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified beta-Propiolactone as a possible carcinogen. MSDS sheet states toxic to liver and kidneys (Spectrum Laboratory Products). Ammonium Sulfate is a substance added to pesticides. It is unknown at this time as a carcinogen but it’s been suspected in gastrointestinal, liver, central nervous system (CNS) and respiratory system tox icity.On its MSDS sheet all hazards identification on carcinogen, mutatagenic (cellular mutations), teratogenic (fetal development) and developmental toxicity are listed as â€Å"not available†. (ScienceLab, MSDS) Formaldehyde is used as a preservative to stabilize the vaccine. It is used as a chemical to embalm dead bodies and preserve laboratory specimens. It has been classified as a known human carcinogen (cancer causing substance) and has been ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds on at least 8 federal regulatory lists.Formaldehyde is suspected of weakening the immune system and causing neurological system damage, genetic damage, metabolic acidosis, circulatory shock, respiratory failure, and acute renal failure (ARF) (Kendon, MSDS. 2004). Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is used in vaccines as a stabilizer to prevent the vaccine from breaking down. MSG is also found in processed foods. MSG has been linked to mental retardation, autistic disorders, learning disorders, b ehavioral disorders, reproductive disorders, retinal damage and lesions on the brains of lab animals (Hoernlein,2012).Gentamycin Sulfate is an antibiotic added to protect the vaccine from bacteria during storage. Gentamycin sulfate has been linked to deafness, nervous system disorders, and kidney damage (Sciencelab. MSDS). Polymixin B, an antibiotic that is added to protect the vaccine from gram negative bacteria during storage, has side effects that include: targeting the central nervous system (neurotoxic) and causing kidney failure from acute tubular necrosis (Luther,2013).Any one of the above ingredients can have negative effects on the human body especially the very young , very old, pregnant, and the immunocompromised population. But the effects of all of these ingredients in one vaccine, that’s certainly toxic and at times can be lethal. A normal response to an influenza vaccine is localized redness, soreness, fatigue, mild fever, malaise for 1-3 days following a flu s hot. Consider these adverse reactions listed by MClawers, a vaccine injury law firm.Death Encephalopathy Brachial Neuritis Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Thromboctyopenic Purpura Multiple Sclerosis Transverse Myelitis Reflective Sympathetic Disorder Autoimmune Hepatitis Trigeminal Neuralgia Connective Tissue Disorders Polyarteritis Nodosa (PAN) Anaphylaxis Encephalitis Seizures Arthritis Intussusception Guillain-Barre syndrome Complex Regional Pain syndrome Tourettes syndrome Lupus Wegener’s Granulomatosis Kawasaki Disease (Mctlawyers, vaccine injury)The numbers of injuries resulting from the these vaccines were so undeniable that in October, 1988 Congress created the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, creating the National Vaccine Compensation Program(VICP). The VICP is a no fault alternative to the traditional tort system for resolving vaccine injury claims and provides compensation to people found to be injured by certain vaccines (all Influenza vaccines are cove red). Every vaccine is taxed and the monies go into a compensation fund that is managed by US Court of Federal Claim, complete with vaccine courts, vaccine judges and attorneys who specialize in vaccine cases only. Monies are awarded to patients/families who have suffered from vaccine related injuries or deaths.In 2011, 200 million dollars were paid out in compensation for vaccine injuries. In 2012, there was 300 billion dollars available in the vaccine injury compensation trust fund. Overwhelming evidence of the numbers of people hurt by the toxic ingredients in the influenza vaccines and the incidence of adverse reactions, permanent injuries and deaths due to the toxic ingredients in the influenza vaccines continue to climb. Research has well documented these injuries and exposed the cause and effect of hazardous chemicals on our human population. A little knowledge can be frightening, meanwhile a lack of knowledge can be lethal. Be informed.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the functional organisation Essay

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the functional organisation and the cross-functional project-based organisation (PBO) in CoPS - Essay Example 1 The first aim of the paper is to elaborate by defining the various aspects of the contents of the paper i.e. it will start by defining CoPSs and their importance to the company. This paper will also dwell on the weaknesses and strengths each form of organisation impacts on the productions of CoPS in the company. Specific emphasis will be the differences in the weaknesses and strengths of project-based organisations and functional organisation structures of the same company. Whether the differences can be rectified or not will be the judgement of the company. The key challenges of project-based organisations (PBOs) with reference to their need in the CoPS manufacturing will also be looked into. The paper will also identify the types and kinds of PBOs and CoPS respectively. This will help in clearly structuring the kind of strengths and weaknesses each will impact on the performance of the company. Most of the sections of the paper are outlined to match the topics with the expected challenges that will be encountered while adopting the specific organisational structures Finally, it will outline the relationships between project-based organisations, the functional organisations and the CoPS in terms of their production and quality assessment. Another aim of this paper will be to outline the features of project-based organisations with relevance to the company. The internal coordination will also be looked into with a view to clearly differentiate the two forms of organisations. It will also define and elaborate cross-functional project-based organisations and their internal organisations2. According to Hobday, Complex Products and Systems (CoPS) are engineering-intensive, high value capital goods. (Hobday, 1998) CoPS are usually made in small batches as a result of their investment project, high costs, composition and physical scale. Contemporarily, all CoPS are

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Impacts Of Information Technology In Hospitality Industry Essay

Impacts Of Information Technology In Hospitality Industry - Essay Example Hospitality industries are one of the fastest growing industries globally, this has been attributed to the large number of client base that source their services. Hotels are omnipresent in almost every sphere and sector of the economy; as a result, they serve a wide variety of clients ranging from leaders on retreat, families, business meetings and travellers. The advances in technology have therefore played an integral role in the growth and developments of hotels and other related restaurant industries. The changing consumer behaviour patterns in the global market have forced business executives to device new ways of satisfying the needs of the customers. The retention and building a strong customer base is the current headache for most hotel and restaurant managers mainly due to rapid changing face of the industry. Employment of information technology in ensuring that the dynamic customer needs is catered for will promote the growth of hotel industries (Khosrow-pour, 2002). Competitive advantage in this troubled economy is the desire of all industries. Developing products that appeal to the needs of the customers can be the first steps towards building a proper business advantage. Information technology therefore presents several avenues of improving service delivery and consumer satisfaction in hotel businesses (Koutroumanis, 2011). ... Information technology therefore presents several avenues of improving service delivery and consumer satisfaction in hotel businesses (Koutroumanis, 2011). The use of advanced and sophisticated mobile and computer technology has been adopted in various levels of hotel management. Hotels have adopted interactive interface on the internet to communicate with their clients and prospective customers. As a result, service delivery has been tremendously improved as the clients desires and needs are incorporated in various spheres of hotel management. Information technology has had a tremendous change in the management and operation of hotels in the entire globe (Smith, 2002). This paper discusses the impacts that the ever changing face of information technology has had on the operation and success of hospitality industries in the world. The instruments of information technology that are employed in the hotel industry will be discussed, analyzing the impacts that they have and continue to c reate in the sector. Methodology This chapter reviews the methods that were used in the collection of data and information based on the objectives of the thesis. The study seeks to establish the current applications of information technology in hotels and related industries. The areas of applications of information technology and the current new tools of IT used will also be critically evaluated. This study also seeks to establish the effects of information technology in the management of hotels and how information technology increases competitive advantage in the industry. The tools employed in the process of data collection are also described within this chapter. Based on the nature of this research, the case study design is the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Greatest Impact on Western Civilization Essay

The Greatest Impact on Western Civilization - Essay Example In short, without the ideas that came from the Intellectual Revolution, there would be not much change in Europe and America, and revolutions for independence and efforts for the development of commerce and industry would not have been possible. The Intellectual Revolution was actually brought about by a deluge of scientific ideas that created an impact â€Å"on the way people live and think† and thus changed their â€Å"view of the nature of reality† (â€Å"Chapter 23†). Because of the scientific ideas brought about by the scientists of the Enlightenment like Newton, Copernicus and Pascal, â€Å"it [was] no longer possible to maintain that the sun [revolved] about a motionless earth, or that there [were] four terrestrial elements: earth, air, fire, and water† (â€Å"Chapter 23†). This implies that with the advent of the Scientific Revolution, people started assessing the validity of their beliefs through reason and stopped believing in superstition s. Moreover, perhaps the most important change was that people began to think and perhaps sought out the reasons for their own existence. Discoveries in the field of science like astronomy somehow also paved the way for people to make â€Å"exact [observations and to refuse] to accept any conclusion that did not square with all the observed data† (â€Å"Chapter 23†). ... This must have eventually led groups of people to evaluate their existence and position vis-a-vis a power hungry monarchy like that of France during the 18th century. Such revolutionary change in the way people thought would have indirectly led to the recognition of their rights as human beings by virtue of reason and thus eventually brought the French Revolution. The Intellectual Revolution also brought with it a new philosophy that perhaps awakened man’s sense of self. The political philosophy of John Locke, which was adopted by the constitutional monarchy of England, spread around Europe around this time and made those governed by absolute monarchy to rethink their positions and to consider the idea of having not an absolute king but three separate branches of government – executive, legislative and judiciary (â€Å"The Philosophies†). Moreover, the philosophy of Voltaire taught the people that â€Å"man’s desire to pursue one’s happiness [is] i nborn† (â€Å"The Philosophies†). Another philosopher, Montesquieu emphasized the legal system of each nation, and a great philosopher in the name of Jean Jacques Rosseau theorized that â€Å"the society in the state of nature [is] the society with no class-distinctions† (â€Å"The Philosophies†). This paralleled the Intellectual Revolution in America with Thomas Paine proclaiming the rights of man and the first 13 states finally declaring independence from the British. All this philosophy perhaps awakened in man a recognition of his innate right to freedom and, naturally, a desire to attain it at any cost. The philosophical aspect of the Intellectual Revolution thus helped to trigger the occurrence not only of the French Revolution but

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Process of Recruitment of the New Employees Essay - 1

The Process of Recruitment of the New Employees - Essay Example Conversely, the selection process starts when the applications from the interested candidates are received, when the organization now performs short-listing and determination of the best candidates for the job (Cooper and Robertson, 2000). In this process of recruitment and selection, the organization tries to identify those individuals with the right skill sets to work in the organization, and before they are inducted into the organization, they have to be interviewed and trained to attain the skills that they need to perform the tasks that they are being hired for. In the hiring process, the organization can decide to perform external or internal recruitment and selection, where the candidates are chosen from within or outside the organization. The selection process for the employees can involve many processes, but the most common one is the selection interview, where the potential candidate is put in front of a panel and interviewed to determine the ability to work for the organization (Cooper and Robertson, 2000). The selection interview process has been criticized by many experts, but many organizations still prefer to use it for the selection process. As part of the selection process, many organizations will usually conduct interviews to determine the competences of the different applicants and select the best applicant for the job. The selection interview process is used by the employer as an assessment or evaluation of the potential employee for the job at hand. The selection interview process can take many different formats, for example, the telephone interview used by the interview before any other interview. The telephone interview is usually used by the employer before any other interview process and is used as a way of reducing potential applicants for the job (Warr, 2003). After the pre-interview phase, the other formats include the panel interview, which is the most common format used by employers.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Rational persuasion Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rational persuasion - Term Paper Example The bargain wilds intensely as the teachers are seriously on the neck of the government terming them not serious about the lives of the children who are not being taught, as the government is quite reluctant about their issues (Hoch 2004 pg 64-9). Through out the bargains, the government given the tough economic times tries to use rational persuasion to try to sway the angry teachers to class. This evident since the government has directed their negotiations towards the influential minorities that is the teachers’ consultees; they are trained and given non-factual promises by the government (Hoch 2004 pg 97). The promises are non- factual given that they do not give any timelines and are not giving any statistical figures in form of percentage increase of the mentioned benefits. The limitation of this is that the method would not suppress the angry teachers are they are already aware of the conning that the government is likely to direct to them. Faced with such a situation in the future, an integration of both factual and rational would be considered to relay quite convincing information. Scenario 2 Rational persuasion for security of a country There is a terrorist group, which is seriously terrorizing the citizens’ of the country jeopardizing the role of the government of protecting its citizens. Though power is held by the state, the group is reckless and does not mind hurting any individual as they have nothing much to lose. The government on the other hand is not in the position of attacking those head on, as this may lead to the group unleashing its potential on the innocent civilians through their poisonous biological weapons. The government has therefore the option of engaging... There is a terrorist group, which is seriously terrorizing the citizens’ of the country jeopardizing the role of the government of protecting its citizens. Though power is held by the state, the group is reckless and does not mind hurting any individual as they have nothing much to lose. The government on the other hand is not in the position of attacking those head on, as this may lead to the group unleashing its potential on the innocent civilians through their poisonous biological weapons. The government has therefore the option of engaging the group in a discussion for a negotiation, which cannot be factual as the terror group, cannot be promised facts given that this would be against the sovereignty of the state.   In the persuasion efforts, the government presents on the table goodies for the terror group and promises them to be integrated in the running of the government. They are therefore, invited to select their top officials or the individuals they entrusts with t he promised positions and the intention of the government inviting them to this table is to peacefully detain the officials without the followers awareness. This is a divide and rule technique of running the government as the result is directed towards making the followers realize that soon they are likely to be detained as their leaders hence scaring their activities and the harms they are likely to create to the government. The rebels on the other hand purpose a negotiation through representatives.

MKTG 3000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

MKTG 3000 - Essay Example This had been Dell’s main value proposition. This had been the reason why Dell had experienced so much success over fierce and well settled rivals such as IBM and Compaq. With Dell, customers can customize their own computer systems, and there is no minimum order that needs to be placed for that. Every personal computer can be fully customized based on memory size, processor speed, screen size, battery type, and so on. This gives the customer a great deal of flexibility in choosing his/her computer and does not need to settle only for what the company offers. This, indirectly, also has another major benefit to the customer. The Just in Time (JIT) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems used by the company help it to achieve extremely low lead times and low costs. As there are no intermediaries between the manufacturer and customer, Dell can easily charge a lower price to the customer. These benefits result in great customer satisfaction and are the main reasons why customers choose Dell over its

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Explore to what extent the concept of motherhood is constructed Essay

Explore to what extent the concept of motherhood is constructed - Essay Example Those studies particularly show that the most widely accepted notions about motherhood are not innate in women and women were not actually born to fulfill those roles. To understand how the conventional views on motherhood came to be, it is important to study first what construction is. After which, the construction of motherhood will be studied. Studying motherhood construction is necessary in determining what a good and bad mother is. It is likewise important to study these notions about good and bad motherhood and to highlight that those notions are dependent on social contexts. The conventional views on motherhood are neither innate nor universal. They were a product of different social factors. The creation of these views is called motherhood construction. Several studies have been made in the past few decades concerning the construction of motherhood—its nature, the factors involved in it, and its psychological and social effects on women. A review of literature concerning motherhood shows a consensus among studies that motherhood is socially constructed. For instance, Woodward (1997) noted that different social, cultural, ethnical, and economic factors tend to create their own models of motherhood. This view is supported by Klee, Jackson, and Lewis (2002) who found that the definitions of good motherhood are neither constant nor universal. Since the construction of motherhood is already well-accepted, the main concern now is to determine the extent to which motherhood is constructed. This study focuses the nature of motherhood construction and the dominant views on ‘good’ and ‘bad’ motherhood. The most dominant view of a good mother is that of a woman who is at the ‘right’ age and is engaged in a stable heterosexual relationship (Unger, 2004, p.182). On the other hand, mothers who are â€Å"single, Black, young, working-class, and in lesbian

Saturday, September 7, 2019

IQ and Birth order Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IQ and Birth order - Essay Example Inï ¬â€šuence of birth order on the character traits individuals The personality of individuals is affected by among other things their birth order in their families. Conducting a study among 361 siblings from diverse family backgrounds (Melissa.M. 2007) found out that birth order has an influence in the personality traits of an individual in a family. Writing a report on their study findings they concluded that age as a signiï ¬ cant effect on extraversion with younger siblings being more extraverted than the older ones. Closely related to this assertion, are the findings of Ernst and Angst (1983), writing on younger siblings being more extraverted in terms of sociability compared to older siblings. On his part (Sulloway, 1996), alludes that if siblings are to employ their character so as to seek favors from their parents, then parental investment, is increased in extraversion in the younger kids in the family. This in turn leads to competition for attention by the siblings, thus causing siblings rivalry. This amplified extraversion amongst the young siblings protects them from their older siblings hence they are able to assert themselves with much ease. Ahmed M. Al-Khalek and, Richard Lynn (2007) from the University of Kuwait also conducted a study on Intelligence, family size and birth order on about 4643 individuals and also mentioned a correlation between I.Q and the birth order of an individual in their families. Discussing the findings of the study, they realized that children in larger families were more likely to have lower IQs than those from smaller families. However, this finding is in conflict with Zajonc’s con?uence theory and Blake’s dilution theory t hat expects the relationship between family size and intelligence to apply uniformly across all human societies. In addition to this, there was no prove found to support the earlier findings from United States and Europe,that birth order affects the IQ levels of children, where older siblings tend to have higher IQs than the younger ones. It did confirm that there was a positive association between birth order for ages that are below eleven years. Ahmed M. Al-Khalek and, Richard Lynn (2007) also found out there is very minimal effect on an individual’s intelligence and the attention they receive from their parents as whether younger or older than their siblings. Results indicated a very high probability of relationship between family size and intelligence as most intelligent couples had a smaller number of children (Lynn, 1996). It’s also probable that older siblings tend to have relatively lower IQs than their younger siblings, a fact that could be attributed to the a ge of the parents that could also have an effect on their kids. Closely related to this, is the fact that elder mothers are at higher risk of giving birth to babies that have less weight. This condition is often associated with lower intelligent levels. This confirms an earlier assertion by Aliya, Jolly, Ehiri, and Salihu (2005)who confirmed a relationship between later births and the consequent outcomes associated with the