Friday, March 15, 2019
File management and standard ways of working Home: Computer Science : :: Computer Science
File watchfulness and standard ways of workings blank space Computer Science File management and standard ways of working File management and standard ways of workingFile management and standard ways of working Keep information secure, e.g. from theft, loss, vir utilisations, fireYou should hold on information secured from theft on knotty book disappointments you gage to a fault keep your information safe from viruses thatcan wipe all your files stumble the computer.The way to keep the information safe is to pay back a BACK-UP file. Aback-up file is a file that has all saved work on it and can be savedunder a different constitute in a different folder or can be saved onto adisc. A floppy disc can in like manner transfer up to 1.44 megabytes of entropybetween computers. You can use hard discs for back-ups because thesurface of the disc stores data digitally, CD-ROMs be read onlyopthalmic discs, DVDs can hold up to 17 gigabytes of data, magneticTapes are the most common used for back-up devices and Zip or Jaz discthe common removable media all these be used as back-up devices.We do back-ups so that any lost information that is important we canhave a mirror copy of the document saved somewhere else so thatnothing will happen to it. The backups should be used with passwords,username.I hypothesise backup are helpful because if the computer had a power failureand I havent saved my work then it sum I would have to do all theagain, which means it would take agelong then what it would have beenif I had saved it in the fist place. cling to confidentiality, e.g. prevent unauthorised entrance money to documentsor recordsTo protect documents from confidentiality you can use the three maintypes of data surety department and they are* Physical security* Access security* Data securityTo protect data utilise physical security you should follow the 7SAD-FLAB rules to stay safe with confidentiality and they are1. Serial number2. Alarms3. Doors4. Fire protec tion5. Lock6. Avoid7. Blinds.You can use these to protect the hardware because if anything happensyou have to spend money on a new hard which is expensive. You canlimit the amount of gravel to any important data by using usernames,passwords and firewalls to stop anyone from hacking into files that hold outt have the right to access it.To protect data from access security you should limit a persons useof the network. With this security all authorised users should begiven usernames and passwords. This is to stop people from hackinginto data bases.To protect data using data security files can be password protected to
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